Through Christine, we offer intuitive conversations on topics derived from the archives of Universal Understanding.
Our conversations are evolving as we strengthen this connection and become more adept in the human language. There may be typos, punctuation errors or odd formatting as we are learning.
This knowledge has come through others known to many of you and this connection is available to all of you.
As you become acquainted with us, it is our hope that you, too, will find your own direct connection with us.
January 24, 2024
You have arrived. You sit before us we surround you. Feel the energy swirling feel the light. We have so much to share with you. We wish for you to come to a place where you can share our messages with others. It will require you moving beyond your comfort spot. You can do it. You are ready. How does awakening occur? Think of the human experience. When a deep sleep is achieved, a shift in the energy of the mind can cause one to awaken. A recognition that all sleep that is required has been achieved will awaken the body. (hint: we are the internal clock!). But the sunlight coming in the window is the most powerful and meaningful form of awakening. When the soul reaches a place where a new day, a new level, is before him, the sun will gently begin to stream in from the eastern sky. Even if it is cloudy, the awareness of light filtering in will change the energy around the soul. Allowing this light – our light- to fill the room, then the heart then the soul. This is awakening. First the light must be noticed. An awareness of its existence. even on a semiconscious level. Just knowing that there IS a light begins the process of awakening. Awareness of Spirit is the first step to awakening. Feeling the warmth of the light brings a smile to the face, doesn’t it? Awareness of the love of spirit also brings this smile. So what do some do? They feel the need to shut the light out – to close the drapes – for some, the heavier the drapes the better. not because more rest is needed, but because they choose to stay in the dark. What does this do to the soul? It causes it to become pale and to vibrate on a lower level. This perceived need for additional time in the darkness may be caused by an already low vibration such as fear or depression or it may be the trigger for depression.
So much good can be gained from recognizing the light and inviting it in. even better to share the light with others. The light is an allegory for Our Love. Allow it in. allow it to fill and warm every cell. Allow the soul to bask in it. Then hold it in your soul, bringing yourself back to the awareness of its/our presence. Avoid blocking it from being shared. it cannot be depleted once it is felt within the soul. It can feel dimmer when the mind/ego ignores its importance. It only grows stronger when it is allowed to shine outward. Blocking it or trying to protect it or rein it in or define it or quantify it only creates filters that keep it from shining purely from within – your soul. Allow it to be within you and recognize the beauty and power of Our Love – the Light – the Sun – the source of all.
Ma kia ai siki sochi tzo
September 13, 2024
You wish to know more about who we are…
We are the truth that resides within each of you. We are the light. We are all that has gone by and all that is yet to come.
We are here always. It matters not what is going on in the material world around you. Our messages, our love, come to you in the quietness of the night and in the chaos of the day. Our messages can be felt and sensed and shared.
Our words to you are nothing you do not already know. Truth. Law. Spirit. All that Is. All that Was. All that EverWillBe. We are the energy of all being.
The open heart receives most clearly. The willing heart receives most easily. The loving heart receives most often. The sharing heart receives one thousand fold. All is available to each of you at any time, at all times.
There is nothing you will learn from us that you do not already know to be true.
Our loving messages come to you as the reawakening of a memory. Your reaction is never, “Oh, I never knew that”. But, rather, your reaction is “Ah! I remember that is so”. For you came from the place of Truth and Light and are on a journey of returning thereto.
And, once remembered, Truth is never again forgotten. Once you allow Light to shine around you, within you, from you, Light can only be dimmed, but can never be extinguished.
We watch you with great interest. We laugh at some of you for your silliness and lack of focus. We comfort you when you feel pain. We revel at your growth. We are eager for your questions.
We love you unconditionally. Our hands are always outstretched towards you in an offering of That Which You Need At Any Give Time.
We are infinity – the infiniteness of all things – there is no beginning and there is no ending to us – there is only joy and love in infinite quantities. All souls are able to receive, but all are not willing to receive. Are you willing?
The messages we send in this forum are meant to encourage the willingness to open receptive channels. Through these channels, Joy abounds. Truth flows. Light shines. The more Joy and Truth and Light received and shared, the more your world thrives and heals.
You have the gifts necessary to receive Truth and Light and Joy.
And, although you may not think it true, you also have the courage to share Truth and Joy and Light every day with every one you encounter.
Ma kia ai siki so chichi –
September 10, 2024
So you want to know WhoYouAre? Go within. Breathe in Light and feel your unique You-ness as you release the breath. Do it again. And again. Each time, the smile on your face grows, doesn’t it?! HA!
As you allow the Light within to be released, you know, fully, without doubt, WhoYouAre! We love that you are trying this right now and Feeling it! How do you like yourself now?!?! You are beautiful, aren’t you? You see yourself as we see you, don’t you? You are one with One.
You are not defined by how others think of you or act towards you. You are especially not defined by what you THINK others think of you or act toward you. You can only THINK you know what they are thinking about you and you can only THINK you know what their behaviors mean. (Here’s a hint: behaviors serve to demonstrate nothing more than what one thinks of oneself – never what they think of others).
It is by thinking that you get yourself into all sorts of trouble. Especially thinking about what others think about you. The purpose of the human ability to think is to communicate through actions and words the essence of the soul. BUT, when the mind veers off on its own, ignoring its connection to the soul, harmful things can happen. Harmful karma can be created. Sadness may be sown.
When the advice is given, ‘think before you act/speak,’ what is meant is to BREATHE into your thoughts before you act. Make the thoughts one with the soul. It is in the act of breathing into one’s thoughts that keeps one’s free will from running riot. The Great Ones say, “Breathe before you act/speak” – ensure connection between the soul and the thinking self – feel the indication within telling you whether taking the action contemplated, or speaking the words on the tip of one’s tongue, is best advised.
But, you say, we humans breathe all the time. And we say, but do you? Taking air in and out of the body is a natural phenomenon of the human experience and necessary for its continuance. It is done instinctively with no thought necessary. BREATHING, with purpose, thought-fully, is necessary for optimal soul connection. With practice, you will intuitively know when a situation especially requires a mining of the Light Within.
It is so much easier to breathe and add Light to the mix than it is to repair negative karma that may ensue when one acts or speaks without breathing.
No. You need no definition – You are connected directly to spirit. You always have been and always will be. It is the Light Within that is your essence – it is the WhoYouAre. Calling upon the Light Within through intentional breathing brings a smile to your face, brings joy to your heart…it is so simple, Dear One…You Are Joy and Light…
The connection is one of deepest Joy and truest Beauty and brightest of Light. It is your very essence. It is WhoYouAre. Breathe! Enjoy! Shine!
For Those Suffering Recent Loss of a Loved One
September 8, 2024
The reeling from the shock of my leaving is lessening each day. I know I cannot catch you or keep you from falling into it, but I know you are strong enough to find your way for you were one who showed me how to be strong. Stay steady. Your purpose on earth is not yet realized. I am here now to guide you and this transition has opened for me full access to the archives of ancient wisdom. Call upon me in quietness – I will stay close. You will see me out of the corner of your eye in the way you are best able to accept my presence from this realm and you hear me in the silence of the night, or nature – and always through meditation.
Seek to find balance with nature and allow your vibration to level out – hold in your heart the most positive memories of our union and feel how your vibration again rises to meet mine. Sadness and grief are not required because my place at your table now seems vacant. Joy and gratitude for what we shared and what we learned with one another will steady you, strengthen you and bring you peace. With great love….
We find you where you are. Be there.
September 3, 2024
Sometimes you wonder if you are where you are supposed to be – if you would rather be elsewhere – if you should never have left – if you should leave now – and on and on and on.
Know this: You are meant to be exactly where you are. You are there for a reason – you need only look around you, breathe it in, rejoice in being exactly where you are!
You are in total control of how you feel about this. Feeling a bit disoriented? Stand still. Breathe disorientation in and you begin to feel sound again. Know that only in feeling disoriented can you know what it is like to feel firmly planted. Feeling anxious? Let it (whatever It is this time) go. Breathe. Anxiety is fear. Fear is the lack of faith. You do not lack faith, you have simply allowed thoughts of things-over-which-you-have-no-control to fill your head. As we often remind you…there is but one thing over which you DO have control…your thoughts. When you choose to remind yourself there is nothing you need and nothing to fear, anxiety flees. Anxiety fears faith. Faith wields a mighty sword of protection.
When we speak of faith, we are referring to knowledge of the power of Spirit and the existence of light and the well-being of all. You are here on this human plane to learn. Above all else, you are here to learn those lessons that bring you closer to oneness. This is your soul/sole purpose on earth. To become One with One. Little by little. You are meant to feel joyful and Joy is there – within you. It takes a single thought or sound to reconnect with Joy – then it is your choice whether or not to hang on to Joy. Joy is within you. Do you realize that? You need not go looking for it. You need only look inside. It resides in every atom, every pore, every electron, every cell, every part of you.
Simply put, this is why we tell you that you are exactly where you are meant to be. For wherever you are, Joy is with you, if you choose to allow it. You can move yourself to the most beautiful place in existence and either feel Joy or feel despair. But here is the thing, dear one…Joy is within you no matter where you are. Despair you bring upon yourself.
Seek Joy in all places, with all you encounter, in the face of all occurrences. It is with you. Breathe in, feel i. Breathe out, allow it to push away all negative thoughts and feelings. Breathe in. Feel it bigger and bolder. Breathe out, letting it wash a blanket of joy around you. Breathe in. Breathe out. It is as simple as that. Be joyful where you are!
Makia ai soki soshi
August 19, 2024
Never to the detriment on one’s self care..
Whatever it is you plan to undertake – be it small or large – self care comes first and foremost. This is care of the body, the mind and the spirit.
Body – fresh air and healthy eating, of course, are key. Also, cleanliness, daily cleanliness, exercise, daily exercise and attention to the small details of the body.
Keeping the body healthy ensures the spirit has a temple in which to reside, for as long as you are on earth, you are asked to pursue your spiritual path and this cannot be done if the body it not in perfect shape. That said, it is important that you do not linger over painful spots or perseverate on ills. Give these sensations none of your energy and you will see how quickly they dissipate. Trauma and memories can be stored in the body so it is important to release that which is being held within. This can be done with the help of a healer – energy healer – and with the practice of meditation. Should a healer be engaged for help, inquire as to the methods used. A key aspect of healing from stored emotions is Release and Forgiveness. If the healing modality you find does not incorporate these components, ensure you find a way to Release and Forgive. Forgive self and others. And RELEASE. Fill the space once home to the pain or sickness with light. Then go forward into your day with your mind free from all pain and discomfort. In this way, you give them no energy upon which to feed themselves.
Do not be misled. We are not saying to ignore aches and pains. Rather, we are encouraging a practice of healing from within. Medications can often soften the pain, but also often masks the cause – thus the ailment is never eliminated from the body.
Focus on the ailment nurtures the ailment. Focus on health, gratitude for health, nurtures a healthy body…and mind…and soul. Do your best in this regard.
February 4, 2024
Good morning, dear one! You are aware of your connection to us. All entities have a connection with us. Some are more aware of it than others. You are one of the lucky ones! How are we joined? The cord/chord derives from spirit, the great universe, and runs through each of you. You know this. This is the soul. Each being on earth has a soul which is the divine connection with the spirit. Your spirit is Spirit! Isn’t that wonderful? This runs through you like a cord, like your spine runs through the physical body – but more as a chord! An energetic vibration that is a direct connection with spirit. The vibration is spirit! Feel it. That vibration is your life. Listen for it! The physical body cannot exist without it – yet always exists within the physical body and can always exist without the physical body. And it does.
The same vibration runs through all beings and this is your connection with them. You (all beings) are NOT one. You are all part of ONE. Equal parts of one. There is no single vibration that is more important or stronger or wiser or lower than any other. What happens to this vibration is the physicality that encases it. Some wrap the soul so tightly – out of fear – that the spiritual vibration cannot be felt by that entity or by others. This physicality comes from the thoughts – the mind – minds are very strong. Thoughts are very strong – the soul is stronger, but it can be buried beneath the layers and layers of thoughts and fears the human is capable of creating. You cannot bury another’s soul – your actions and words can, however, cause the other’s mind to react in such a way that a layer is created which serves to bury that person’s soul. You need not allow another’s words or actions bury your soul – your own thoughts can prevent that from happening. You need not worry about another’s vibration except to recognize when and how it matches your vibration.
If there is Discord/dischord, you cannot change another’s vibration – you can offer what you have learned, you can act in a way so as to set an example, you can give a loving gift – a smile, a nod, sustenance, either physical or spiritual – but whether it is received or not is their choice. Determined by their level of faith and willingness to take the risk of accepting something other than sadness or fear. Your offering sends a positive vibration throughout the world – throughout the universe – it is captured in the great hall of records for all posterity and comes back to you – so know this – a joining together is a meshing of the various vibrations. A beautiful sound, when sung by the angels.
New Beginnings
January 30, 2024
Each day you begin anew. That is the easy message. A beginning does not necessarily mean there was an ending. Think again of the flower in the garden. One flower does not need to die for another to bloom, does it? What we wish for you to know is that each moment is a new moment – embrace it. Each breath is a new breath – breathe it in. each idea is a new idea – pursue it. Feel the excitement of the newness in everything! There is not one thing that is the same as it was a second ago. Because all is energy – made up of energy – and because energy is constantly moving, there is never an instant when anything was the same as it was a moment ago. Never. Energy is constantly moving. Constantly relocating itself – attracting and repelling according to the energies around it. Feel the excitement, ah, the electricity in it!! And with new beginnings there is always hope. There is never a need for regret or sorrow or a need to seek forgiveness from spirit/god. All souls are equal and perfect in our eyes. And because we see each of you as perfect, there is never a need for us to forgive – forgive what? We ask. You are beautiful even in your missteps. Each misstep allows for a fresh step – a chance to try it another way. A new beginning! Never despair – never regret, never defend your actions. You, each of you, act in the way you are called to act in each moment. This may be your intuition calling or it may be your exertion of free will. It matters not. You will act and behave and think and choose as you will. But we tell you now…the way to make the most productive choices is through the adherence to good intentions. With love. With generosity. Remember each of your ‘missteps’ also allows other souls to check their progress! You are not in this alone and the journey is not for you alone. Of course, your greatest purpose is to reach oneness with spirit – but that is also the greatest purpose of every incarnated and free soul. Isn’t it wonderful that you – all the souls- can help one another by example and helping hands and encouragement .. each soul has to experience his own karmic challenges. You, each of you, take a part in that – but don’t be mistaken in thinking you can teach another what he needs to learn. That lesson is unique to each soul. Your place is to offer a hand to help the other rise again, to set an example, to offer encouragement and sustenance – physical and spiritual sustenance. You Can Do It. And each encounter, each challenge is new – to you and to the others – feel the excitement in that! Be kind, always. Be focused on the spirit within. Be.