You have arrived. You sit before us we surround you. Feel the energy swirling feel the light. We have so much to share with you. We wish for you to come to a place where you can share our messages with others. It will require you moving beyond your comfort spot. You can do it. You are ready. How does awakening occur? Think of the human experience. When a deep sleep is achieved, a shift in the energy of the mind can cause one to awaken.  A recognition that all sleep that is required has been achieved will awaken the body. (hint: we are the internal clock!). But the sunlight coming in the window is the most powerful and meaningful form of awakening. When the soul reaches a place where a new day, a new level, is before him, the sun will gently begin to stream in from the eastern sky. Even if it is cloudy, the awareness of light filtering in will change the energy around the soul. Allowing this light – our light- to fill the room, then the heart then the soul.  This is awakening. First the light must be noticed. An awareness of its existence.  even on a semiconscious level. Just knowing that there IS a light begins the process of awakening. Awareness of Spirit is the first step to awakening. Feeling the warmth of the light brings a smile to the face, doesn’t it? Awareness of the love of spirit also brings this smile. So what do some do? They feel the need to shut the light out – to close the drapes – for some, the heavier the drapes the better.  not because more rest is needed, but because they choose to stay in the dark. What does this do to the soul? It causes it to become pale and to vibrate on a lower level.  This perceived need for additional time in the darkness may be caused by an already low vibration such as fear or depression or it may be the trigger for depression.

So much good can be gained from recognizing the light and inviting it in.  even better to share the light with others.  The light is an allegory for Our Love.  Allow it in.  allow it to fill and warm every cell.  Allow the soul to bask in it.  Then hold it in your soul, bringing yourself back to the awareness of its/our presence.  Avoid blocking it from being shared.  it cannot be depleted once it is felt within the soul. It can feel dimmer when the mind/ego ignores its importance.  It only grows stronger when it is allowed to shine outward.  Blocking it or trying to protect it or rein it in or define it or quantify it only creates filters that keep it from shining purely from within – your soul.  Allow it to be within you and recognize the beauty and power of Our Love – the Light – the Sun – the source of all.