Soul Guidance and Hypnosis

Christine is one of Terry’s most cherished collaborators. She is an extraordinary resource for all of our Dream Weavers.

For those who seek personalized services, Christine offers a wide variety of soul guidance modalities that can help you reach a more complete understanding of the world around you and a deeper sense of self.

Christine is a Certified Reiki Master (2016), Certified Angel Card Reader (2016) and Certified Hypnotist (though Atlantic University, 2020). She has extensive experience in past life regression and continues to develop and explore various forms of hypnosis. Christine has taught hypnosis at Atlantic University and continues to develop her gifts as a student there.

Christine is a life-long learner and soul explorer. She has conducted more than 150 successful past life regressions and soul journeys. She knows firsthand the impact of this work and will help you reap the most benefits from your time with her.

“I continue to seek to discover my soul’s mission so that I might lead a life of joy.”



Whether through a guided meditation or self-directed body scan, meditation can be an important stepping stone on your path to wellness. People who partake in regular meditations report feeling less stress and greater emotional well-being. Christine teaches the purpose and importance of meditation, guiding you to find your own comfort and peace. 1-1.5 hours

Reiki uses energy transfer and balancing to help support patients’ health and vitality. During a session, Christine places her hands just above various points on the body, depending on need, to sense energy blocks. Then, she works to remove those blocks to transfer and balance each participant’s natural energy flow. Christine is a Certified Reiki Master. 1.5 to 2 hours

If you have a burning question about your life or have a life-altering decision that you need to make, an Angel Card reading might just be what you need. Angel Card readings tap into messages of guidance and direction from Guardian Angels. Christine utilizes tarot and oracle cards (or a combination of both!) to help provide the answers to your questions. Christine is a Certified Angel Card Reader. 1 hour

Karmic healing and spiritual guidance through hypnosis allows for the clearing of blockages and impediments that may be holding you back in life. A hypnosis session may be used for soul exploration, journeying, or past life regression. Christine will guide you to your soul center and your highest self and help you explore your spiritual history.

You can discover and release the things that keep you “unwell,” such as past trauma, phobias or problematic behaviors. In addition, these sessions serve to illuminate hidden strengths and talents, and can help bring healing and understanding to your relationships. Christine is a Certified Hypnotist (Atlantic University). 2 hours.

From a place of deep trance, Christine accesses answers to your life’s questions. This wisdom comes from a source of universal energy known to her as Malena. You are free to ask anything about you, your soul journey, your life’s mission, and other areas of growth and interest. Ask Malena the tough questions you need answered about your current journey, your past lives or those who have transitioned. 1.5 hours

Christine will fully explain the health benefits associated with meditation and guide you through how to start or amplify your own meditation practice.  1.5 hours

For those who are starting their own spiritual practice, Christine provides counsel and mentorships to  entrepreneurs to help them start and grow their practice efficiently and effectively. Learn from the professional who has created an impactful  practice.


Christine accepts donations of appreciation from those with whom she works. She leaves it to you to determine the value, at a suggested rate of $100 per hour.

Contact Christine

To ask a question or book an appointment, please use the form below to contact Christine.

How would you prefer I contact you?
Please tell me a little about what you are trying to accomplish so that I am able to fully answer your inquiry and perhaps recommend a modality that would work best for you.


Soul guidance readings, hypnosis sessions, energy work and the intuitive wellness sessions are intended to inspire, support and illuminate a person’s inner healing, personal growth and self-improvement process. These sessions are not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Christine does not practice or provide psychotherapy, psychiatric care or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition.