Biding Time

Guess what? Things are changing! Things are always changing. Change can be uncomfortable…unless you learn to Trust and Wait. What is in front of you today? Do that! Leave the big stuff up to us. It may not be easy for you to Trust and Wait – you may continue to believe that feeling uncomfortable, or scared, or anxious, is […]

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Change Your Outlook to Your Inlook

We feel the fumbling and roiling of vibrational levels in your world today. And we say to you, this is the perfect opportunity for you all to learn Great Lessons. Spirit does not have a favorite team or side or party or group or gender or any of the other (to Us) meaningless divisions humans seek to align with. For […]

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You have arrived. You sit before us we surround you. Feel the energy swirling feel the light. We have so much to share with you. We wish for you to come to a place where you can share our messages with others. It will require you moving beyond your comfort spot. You can do it. You are ready. How does […]

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