We feel the fumbling and roiling of vibrational levels in your world today. And we say to you, this is the perfect opportunity for you all to learn Great Lessons.

Spirit does not have a favorite team or side or party or group or gender or any of the other (to Us) meaningless divisions humans seek to align with. For that very reason, you may trust the Truth of this Statement:

Everything Is Working Out Exactly As it is Meant to Work Out For the Greatest Good of You All.

We tell you this:  there is only One True Alignment – and that is with Spirit. Spirit loves all equally – and, Why Not? All are part of One. Would Spirit not love a part of itself? Of course not.  You are all part of the beautiful light and are all loved equally. Each is as important as the other. Each of you has gifts – many gifts – upon with to draw and rely in your spiritual journey. Find them now. 

Discomfort you may be feeling is a sign that there is Something Within You that needs resolution or dissolution or absolution. Look Inside. Look Inside and find the true source of your discomfort. It is not now, nor is it ever, outside of you.

Why waste your energies on fear or hate or any other negative feeling? Why worry about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow?  Everything save what you see and experience in This Very Moment is but a figment of your imagination.  Be most grateful for all that you have today.  Remember – putting forth negative thoughts brings more of that very negative idea right back to you. A boomerang. You Sow What You Reap. The Mind is the Builder. It has been said over and over to you. In so many different ways – and you came to this earth knowing it. Today is a Great Day to Remember. Today is a Great Day to Pay Attention. Today is a Great Day to Change your Outlook to your Inlook.

This is a perfect opportunity for Each Of You to look inside yourselves and fix what is within that is causing you pain. Nothing On The Outside is causing you pain. It likely isn’t even in the same room as you are at this moment – Blaming a person or place or thing outside of you for your negative feelings, negative vibrations, merely prolongs the discomfort.

Give Us your fear, your anger, whatever is pulling you down – remove it from your thoughts – Consciously and Purposively remove it. Send it to Us – We will gladly take it from you. Replace it with love and gratitude (which is also found in great abundance within you). It is just as easy as that.

This is an important time for all of you. Which will you choose?  Greater division or a seeking of the truth within? Spending energies on noticing the difference between yourselves is a most negative activity. Rather, find what is common between you. Especially the Connection to Spirit which is common to all. Find it NOW! Joy is there for you no matter what whirls around you.  Your most important choice is YOU, dear souls.  The Light Within.  Knowing It. Feeling It. Sharing It.  Being It.

We Love You So Much