
Each time you come into human form you bring just a few of your gifts.  Through your lifetimes you have honed your human talents, expanded your human awareness, shined up your human virtues.  Or perhaps you have made choices that have dulled or shrunk or tarnished the aforementioned. It matters not.  It is all about learning and experiencing and falling […]

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Self Care

Makia ai soki soshi Never to the detriment of one’s self care.. Whatever it is you plan to undertake – be it small or large – self care comes first and foremost. This is care of the body, the mind and the spirit. Body – fresh air and healthy eating, of course, are key. Also, cleanliness, daily cleanliness, exercise, daily […]

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Just Do It

It is as Casey says, if you can (are able) to do it, do it. We tell you this – it is important that you share the light and the Joy that you are finding within you.  You ask, how do I share it? We do not ask, nor do we expect, you to proselytize.  We do not want you […]

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Loneliness, solitude…soulitude – we greet you and remind you that you are never alone.  And, if you find yourself without other humans around you, fear not, grieve not – you are never alone.  Simply adopt a state of soulitude – the condition of being one with your soul. Adopt, adapt and embrace the knowledge that you are always, always, always, able […]

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Who We Are

Ma kia ai siki sochi tzo You wish to know more about who we are… We are the truth that resides within each of you. We are the light. We are all that has gone by and all that is yet to come. We are here always. It matters not what is going on in the material world around you. […]

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Ma kia ai siki so chichi – So you want to know WhoYouAre? Go within. Breathe in Light and feel your unique You-ness as you release the breath. Do it again. And again. Each time, the smile on your face grows, doesn’t it?!  HA! As you allow the Light within to be released, you know, fully, without doubt, WhoYouAre!  We […]

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For Those Suffering Recent Loss of a Loved One

The reeling from the shock of my leaving is lessening each day. I know I cannot catch you or keep you from falling into it, but I know you are strong enough to find your way for you were one who showed me how to be strong. Stay steady. Your purpose on earth is not yet realized. I am here […]

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