We mind you where you are. Be there. 

Sometimes you wonder if you are where you are supposed to be – if you would rather be elsewhere – if you should never have left – if you should leave now – and on and on and on. Know this: you are meant to be exactly where you are. You are there for a reason – you need only […]

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Good morning, dear one! You are aware of your connection to us. All entities have a connection with us. Some are more aware of it than others.  You are one of the lucky ones! How are we joined? The cord/chord derives from spirit, the great universe, and runs through each of you. You know this. This is the soul. Each […]

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New Beginnings

Each day you begin anew. That is the easy message. A beginning does not necessarily mean there was an ending. Think again of the flower in the garden. One flower does not need to die for another to bloom, does it?  What we wish for you to know is that each moment is a new moment – embrace it.  Each […]

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You have arrived. You sit before us we surround you. Feel the energy swirling feel the light. We have so much to share with you. We wish for you to come to a place where you can share our messages with others. It will require you moving beyond your comfort spot. You can do it. You are ready. How does […]

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