The reeling from the shock of my leaving is lessening each day. I know I cannot catch you or keep you from falling into it, but I know you are strong enough to find your way for you were one who showed me how to be strong. Stay steady. Your purpose on earth is not yet realized. I am here now to guide you and this transition has opened for me full access to the archives of ancient wisdom. Call upon me in quietness – I will stay close. You will see me out of the corner of your eye in the way you are best able to accept my presence from this realm and you hear me in the silence of the night, or nature – and always through meditation.

Seek to find balance with nature and allow your vibration to level out – hold in your heart the most positive memories of our union and feel how your vibration again rises to meet mine.  Sadness and grief are not required because my place at your table now seems vacant.  Joy and gratitude for what we shared and what we learned with one another will steady you, strengthen you and bring you peace.  With great love….