Each time you come into human form you bring just a few of your gifts.  Through your lifetimes you have honed your human talents, expanded your human awareness, shined up your human virtues.  Or perhaps you have made choices that have dulled or shrunk or tarnished the aforementioned.

It matters not.  It is all about learning and experiencing and falling and rising.

Between lifetimes you shed these qualities because, in the betweenness, all is perfect.  There are other things, non-human things, going on.  However, when you determine it is time to return to human form, you pick and choose which gifts and talents and characteristics will best suit the incarnation you are choosing to experience.

Knowing that you choose to incarnate in order to move yourself yet even closer to oneness, you plan your life in a way that will best allow the lessons to be learned that you, as your purest self, know need yet to be learned.  Your plan often involves spiritual improvement, amends, service.

Perhaps in another lifetime you made choices that did not raise your vibration and you seek to return for another chance in that area of beingness. Perhaps you wish to learn new and more skills and qualities. Perhaps you determine your incarnation can be of great service to another soul with whom you wish to work. It is even possible, and great fun, to choose to incarnate for the pure joy of feeling human physical pleasures and breathing in the beauty that is the earth. We expect this incarnation is filled with happiness and joy for the soul choosing it and setting an important example for others. It matters not what is done during this incarnation of fun. The beauty in experiencing this incarnation is one of FEELING GREAT JOY – and knowing it.

We digress.

So you find yourself in a human body. You recognize, and are grateful for, the gifts that you have developed throughout your lifetime and chosen to bring along to facilitate the soul’s purpose for the planned incarnation. You pack them neatly, or not so neatly, in your spiritual ‘box’ which you carry with you at birth. But this does not mean these are the only gifts available to you.

The possibilities are infinite! Reach beyond yourself and try something new! You may grab a talent that you developed in a previous lifetime but simply chose not to bring it along. Perhaps you have grown so very much in this incarnation, you have move so far along your path, that you find you have time for some of those talents and gifts you thought would be unneeded. Try something new! Perhaps you will find there is a creative desire which you now wish to develop (and it may come in handy in a future lifetime – how can you know). Perhaps you will return to the enjoyment of a gift you only thought you had forgotten, which is honed and simply in need of dusting off.

All is available to you. Reaching beyond one’s perceived limits grows courage and confidence and creativity.

When it is said one is ‘outside one’s box’ it simply means that one is finding new, or rediscovering old, gifts and talents and characteristics and blessings. Gifts and talents and characteristics and blessings that were not packed in the ‘box’ you brought with you to earth. Try it all. Move outside your box. Grow! Learn! Expand! Fall! Get up! Move!

All in Joy. All for Joy. All Joy.