You knew when you chose to come into this lifetime that there would be hard decisions to make. Making those decisions is required for spiritual growth. Let us stress this to you: the decision you make is not important – the motives that lead to the choice you make are everything. We will say that again – the outcome of every decision you make is out of your hands. The outcome will always be in your best interest. What is required for your greatest spiritual growth is that you are making the decisions based on firm spiritual considerations and what you understand of the universal laws.
Who will be impacted by your decision? You see only those in your immediate orbit as being impacted – maybe you think no one but your self will feel the results of the decision. But know this. Each decision that you make is like dropping a pebble into a still pond. The ripples travel across the pond, beyond your ability to see them reach the farthest shore – and the movement on the farthest shore is an impact. This is a law. You can never anticipate the full impact of any decision. Therefore, make your decisions gently.
Is your decision being made first and foremost from a place of self-interest or from a place of selflessness? If the decision is being made based solely on how your life will be influenced, then we suggest you rethink the options. You will be perfectly fine, no matter what you choose. We promise you that always. But making decisions based primarily on your own self-interest is a guarantee that the consequences of the decision will be less than pleasant for you. Motive matters. Karma happens.
How will you know the best decision to make? (This is most important) Sit quietly and look inward. Listen for our words and watch for our signs. You will know. Sometimes it may seem as though you have received the signs but your egoic mind attempts to move you in another direction. Beware of thinking too much once the intuitive feeling, the knowledge from within, makes itself clear to you. We know what is best and will always, always, guide you in the direction that will serve your highest and best purpose – and the highest and best purpose of those around you. Remember: even if a decision you make causes you discomfort, that discomfort is there for a reason – it is there to help you learn a lesson.
BUT DON’T TRY TO FIGURE IT OUT! What you need for your next level of growth and the experiences you are meant to encounter and part of the Grand Plan – about which you know so little. Keep it simple: make the decision from a place of love for all.
You have people in your life with the same level of understanding regarding spiritual growth. You know who that person (those persons) is (are). Once you have received our messages, feel free to discuss it with your intuitive friends. Notice how it feels when you explain or defend your intended decision. It will either feel correct or it will feel incorrect. That is us working with you to help guide you.
Whatever you decide, you will make the correct decision – whether it is today or next week or never, it will be the correct decision. Exactly right for you at that time.
We love you so much.