Each day you begin anew. That is the easy message. A beginning does not necessarily mean there was an ending. Think again of the flower in the garden. One flower does not need to die for another to bloom, does it?  What we wish for you to know is that each moment is a new moment – embrace it.  Each breath is a new breath – breathe it in.  each idea is a new idea – pursue it. Feel the excitement of the newness in everything! There is not one thing that is the same as it was a second ago.  Because all is energy – made up of energy – and because energy is constantly moving, there is never an instant when anything was the same as it was a moment ago.  Never.  Energy is constantly moving.   Constantly relocating itself – attracting and repelling according to the energies around it.  Feel the excitement, ah, the electricity in it!! And with new beginnings there is always hope.  There is never a need for regret or sorrow or a need to seek forgiveness from spirit/god.  All souls are equal and perfect in our eyes.   And because we see each of you as perfect, there is never a need for us to forgive – forgive what?  We ask.  You are beautiful even in your missteps.  Each misstep allows for a fresh step – a chance to try it another way. A new beginning! Never despair – never regret, never defend your actions. Four leaf cloverYou, each of you, act in the way you are called to act in each moment.  This may be your intuition calling or it may be your exertion of free will. It matters not. You will act and behave and think and choose as you will.  But we tell you now…the way to make the most productive choices is through the adherence to good intentions. With love.  With generosity. Remember each of your ‘missteps’ also allows other souls to check their progress! You are not in this alone and the journey is not for you alone. Of course, your greatest purpose is to reach oneness with spirit – but that is also the greatest purpose of every incarnated and free soul.  Isn’t it wonderful that you – all the souls- can help one another by example and helping hands and encouragement .. each soul has to experience his own karmic challenges.  You, each of you, take a part in that – but don’t be mistaken in thinking you can teach another what he needs to learn.  That lesson is unique to each soul. Your place is to offer a hand to help the other rise again, to set an example, to offer encouragement and sustenance – physical and spiritual sustenance. You Can Do It.  And each encounter, each challenge is new – to you and to the others –  feel the excitement in that! Be kind, always. Be focused on the spirit within. Be.