Loneliness, solitude…soulitude – we greet you and remind you that you are never alone.  And, if you find yourself without other humans around you, fear not, grieve not – you are never alone.  Simply adopt a state of soulitude – the condition of being one with your soul. Adopt, adapt and embrace the knowledge that you are always, always, always, able to reach a state of soulitude.  Your soul is your core.  It is your unique connection with the Great Spirit, the Universe.  It is your beingness.

Solitude is the condition of being solo – alone.  Do you know why they call those red beer cups ‘Solo’ cups?  We think it is because when you wish to take one cup from a stack of cups, they never stick together and you never have to pry them apart.  Each party ‘Solo’ cup is all-one (alone), by itself.  Likewise, Solitude is just one.Soulitutde

Solitude is not a bad thing, necessarily – it is simply being with one’s self.  On the other hand, loneliness is that condition of being Lone – the lone wolf – the lone ranger – devoid of meaningful contact with others (and self?).

Solitude is just one kind of being All-one. (alone).  (a-lone = just one without others). There are lots of ways to be ‘lone’.  The more cut off from meaningful relationships with others, and self and the Universe/Spirit, the more one stands as that one small shrub, lone shrub, in the desert.  To feel lonely, one must recognize/feel being cut off from meaningful connection with others and Spirit.  Loneliness is, therefore, energy without replenishment.

Connection is necessary to enable the flow of energy to pass between Self and Spirit or Self and Spirit in Others as this is the manner in which  energy is replenished.  Some of you replenish more easily when the Self and Spirit connect directly- you call those introverts.  Others of you find replenishment when the connection of Spirit travels through Others – you call those extroverts.  It matters not which method of replenishment of energy is used – what is important is that the energy from Spirit is allowed to flow within.

Solitude differs from loneliness in that it is simply a condition of beingness that thrives on fully replenished energy.  In Solitude, all energy is flowing completely and is balanced and whole.  Those who choose to eliminate all contact with other humans necessarily find their replenishment from within and allow it to feed only themselves as the natural consequence of living a solitary existence.

We tell you there is more to it.  We call this Soulitude – the condition of Soul-Beingness.  Being actively conscience of one’s Connection to One.  It requires simply a ‘looking within’.  A recognition of that unique connection to Spirit, relishing the Joy within that connection and allowing it to emanate through your being and sharing it with others.  It is the active receiving of the Light and allowing it to permeate each cell and atom within – so thoroughly that it flows from within and shines on everyone whom you encounter.

Say this:  I see the Light around me.  I receive the Light within me.  I allow the Light to enter each and every atom in my being.  I allow the Light to shine from me.

Can you say those words without feeling a smile move across you face?  This is Soulitude!!

Loneliness is a place of lack.  You have the power and the courage to move from any place of lack.

Solitude is a place of quietness.  There is always a need for a time of solitude – this is often when you receive our messages.

Soulitude is a place of reflecting on the Joy within and allowing it to be reflected upon others.

All are choices…Choose wisely, Dear One.