Good morning, dear one! You are aware of your connection to us. All entities have a connection with us. Some are more aware of it than others.  You are one of the lucky ones! How are we joined? The cord/chord derives from spirit, the great universe, and runs through each of you. You know this. This is the soul. Each being on earth has a soul which is the divine connection with the spirit. Your spirit is Spirit! Isn’t that wonderful? This runs through you like a cord, like your spine runs through the physical body – but more as a chord! An energetic vibration that is a direct connection with spirit. The vibration is spirit! Feel it. That vibration is your life. Listen for it! The physical body cannot exist without it – yet always exists within the physical body and can always exist without the physical body. And it does.

The same vibration runs through all beings and this is your connection with them. You (all beings) are NOT one. You are all part of ONE. Equal parts of one.  There is no single vibration that is more important or stronger or wiser or lower than any other.  What happens to this vibration is the physicality that encases it.  Some wrap the soul so tightly – out of fear – that the spiritual vibration cannot be felt by that entity or by others. This physicality comes from the thoughts – the mind – minds are very strong. Thoughts are very strong – the soul is stronger, but it can be buried beneath the layers and layers of thoughts and fears the human is capable of creating.  You cannot bury another’s soul – your actions and words can, however, cause the other’s mind to react in such a way that a layer is created which serves to bury that person’s soul. You need not allow another’s words or actions bury your soul – your own thoughts can prevent that from happening. You need not worry about another’s vibration except to recognize when and how it matches your vibration.

If there is Discord/dischord, you cannot change another’s vibration – you can offer what you have learned, you can act in a way so as to set an example, you can give a loving gift – a smile, a nod, sustenance, either physical or spiritual – but whether it is received or not is their choice. Determined by their level of faith and willingness to take the risk of accepting something other than sadness or fear. Your offering sends a positive vibration throughout the world – throughout the universe – it is captured in the great hall of records for all posterity and comes back to you – so know this – a joining together is a meshing of the various vibrations.  A beautiful sound, when sung by the angels.