Sometimes you wonder if you are where you are supposed to be – if you would rather be elsewhere – if you should never have left – if you should leave now – and on and on and on.

Know this: you are meant to be exactly where you are. You are there for a reason – you need only look around you, breathe it in, rejoice in being exactly where you are!

Visualization is key to your future experience
Be where you are

You are in total control of how you feel about this. Feeling a bit disoriented? Stand still. Breathe disorientation in and you begin to feel sound again. Know that only in feeling disoriented can you know what it is like to feel firmly planted. Feeling anxious? Let it (whatever It is this time) go. Breathe. Anxiety is fear. Fear is the lack of faith. You do not lack faith, you have simply allowed thoughts of things-over-which-you-have-no-control to fill your head. As we often remind you…there is but one thing over which you DO have control…your thoughts. When you choose to remind yourself there is nothing you need and nothing to fear, anxiety flees.  Anxiety fears faith.  Faith wields a mighty sword of protection.

When we speak of faith, we are referring to knowledge of the power of Spirit and the existence of light and the well-being of all.  You are here on this human plane to learn.  Above all else, you are here to learn those lessons that bring you closer to oneness.  This is your soul/sole purpose on earth. To become One with One. Little by little. You are meant to feel joyful and Joy is there – within you.  It takes a single thought or sound to reconnect with Joy – then it is your choice whether or not to hang on to Joy. Joy is within you. Do you realize that? You need not go looking for it. You need only look inside. It resides in every atom, every pore, every electron, every cell, every part of you.

Simply put, this is why we tell you that you are exactly where you are meant to be. For wherever you are, Joy is with you, if you choose to allow it. You can move yourself to the most beautiful place in existence and either feel Joy or feel despair. But here is the thing, dear one…Joy is within you no matter where you are. Despair you bring upon yourself.

Seek Joy in all places, with all you encounter, in the face of all occurrences. It is with you. Breathe in, feel it. Breathe out, allow it to push away all negative thoughts and feelings. Breathe in. Feel it bigger and bolder. Breathe out, letting it wash a blanket of joy around you. Breathe in. Breathe out. It is as simple as that. Be joyful where you are!