Ma kia ai siki so chichi –

So you want to know WhoYouAre? Go within. Breathe in Light and feel your unique You-ness as you release the breath. Do it again. And again. Each time, the smile on your face grows, doesn’t it?!  HA!

As you allow the Light within to be released, you know, fully, without doubt, WhoYouAre!  We love that you are trying this right now and Feeling it!  How do you like yourself now?!?!  You are beautiful, aren’t you?  You see yourself as we see you, don’t you?  You are one with One.

You are not defined by how others think of you or act towards you.  You are especially not defined by what you THINK others think of you or act toward you.  You can only THINK you know what they are thinking about you and you can only THINK you know what their behaviors mean. (Here’s a hint: behaviors serve to demonstrate nothing more than what one thinks of oneself – never what they think of others).

It is by thinking that you get yourself into all sorts of trouble. Especially thinking about what others think about you. The purpose of the human ability to think is to communicate through actions and words the essence of the soul.  BUT, when the mind veers off on its own, ignoring its connection to the soul, harmful things can happen. Harmful karma can be created.  Sadness may be sown.

When the advice is given, ‘think before you act/speak’, what is meant is to BREATHE into your thoughts before you act.  Make the thoughts one with the soul.  It is in the act of breathing into one’s thoughts that keeps one’s free will from running riot. The Great Ones say, “Breathe before you act/speak” – ensure connection between the soul and the thinking self – feel the indication within telling you whether taking the action contemplated, or speaking the words on the tip of one’s tongue, is best advised.

But, you say, we humans breathe all the time.  And we say, but do you?  Taking air in and out of the body is a natural phenomenon of the human experience and necessary for its continuance.  It is done instinctively with no thought necessary. BREATHING, with purpose, thought-fully, is necessary for optimal soul connection. With practice, you will intuitively know when a situation especially requires a mining of the Light Within.

It is so much easier to breathe and add Light to the mix than it is to repair negative karma that may ensue when one acts or speaks without breathing.

No. You need no definition – You are connected directly to spirit. You always have been and always will be. It is the Light Within that is your essence – it is the WhoYouAre. Calling upon the Light Within through intentional breathing brings a smile to your face, brings joy to your heart…it is so simple, Dear One…You Are Joy and Light…

The connection is one of deepest Joy and truest Beauty and brightest of Light.  It is your very essence. It is WhoYouAre. Breathe! Enjoy! Shine!